IT engineering is a strategic area of development and innovation at the heart of our business.

IT engineering enables the INNOV ENGINEERING GROUP design office to take part in studies, design and development projects relating to business information systems (dams, railways, motorways, construction, agriculture, energy, water, etc.).

INNOV ENGINEERING GROUP offers its customers diversified IT expertise according to their needs in terms of the best-known technologies and tools on the IT market.

– Databases: Data structuring and harmonisation Data migration Geo-catalogue implementation.

– Architecture & Development: Design and implementation of information systems.

– GIS: Design and production of geographic information systems and development of interactive cartography.

– Portal & CMS: Development of dynamic WEB portals.

– EDM/ERP: Development of content management applications.



  • Studies and consultancy

– Geographic information systems master plans

– Organisation of repositories and thematic data

– GIS diagnostics (data, software, databases, etc.)

  • Development of information systems and GIS

– Design and production of information systems

– Design and production of geographic information systems

– Business applications

– Dynamic websites incorporating cartography

  • Data engineering

– Digital mapping services

– Digitisation of maps

– Input of alphanumeric data

– Data structuring

– Remote sensing and photo-interpretation