
Since it was founded, INNOV ENGINEERING GROUP has been involved in several electricity fields, including:

– generation

– transmission and distribution of energy

– energy efficiency

– study of industrial utilities

– analysis and management of industrial risks and hazards

– industrial maintenance studies.



A- Industrial consultancy services in the following areas:

– maintenance studies

– installation rehabilitation studies

– reliability studies

– organisation and management of energy projects

B- energy consultancy services in the following fields

– energy transmission and distribution

– energy efficiency.


  • Electricity infrastructure

– Fossil fuel generation

– Transmission and distribution networks (lines and substations)

– Rail networks: electrical systems engineering

  • Industrial engineering

– Industrial utilities: refurbishment and maintenance of fluid networks (gas, steam, compressed air, etc.)

– Analysis and management of industrial risks and hazards

– Organisation and management of industrial maintenance

– Productivity optimisation and project management

  • Energy efficiency

– In industry: energy audits;

– In the tertiary sector: Project profitability studies;

– In electricity networks: project management assistance.